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Ja 06.01.1989, Bluecross 21.01.1985
Krwekrw 18.02. 1989
Snake 05.03.1991, J/S 10.03.1991, Thom 15.03.1987, Polčího Archón 19.03.1984, PJ 26.03.1991
TheMole 03.04.1980, Night Shadow 11.04.1993, Sethem 23.04.1989
Flowy 14.05.1988, Miko 15.05.1992
Slanec 06.06.1989, LBD 06.06.1992, myyysha 14.06.1982, Knize.Vladivoj16.06.1986, lord_fSk 26.06.1990, mistr.moon 29.06.1988, Focus 29.06.1991
Piscot 14.07.1987
Kerk 10.08.1977, Polči 28.08.1989
Gerlige 02.09.1991, czlukas 24.09.1992
pepazdepa 08.10.1987, Hope 08.10.1987, Draugluin 30.10.1988, Sentinel 31.10.1989
Stilgar 02.11.1987, Pepul 06.11.1979, akrim.elf 16.11.1985, Barney Rubble 17.11.1992, MSG 19.11.1979, Naxi 27.11.1992
Memento 13.12.1989

Zpět na Okénka

Čt 1.1.1970, 01:33:28 

pepazdepa   261125049  

Počet přízpěvků v tomto vlákně: 7132

(Bylo to Forgetting Sarah Marshall, česky Kopačky)


And now for something completely different:

*grc* Pepovo nepravidelné okénko poezie *grc*


I’m sure that I will always be

A lonely number like root three


The three is all that’s good and right,

Why must my three keep out of sight

Beneath the vicious square root sign,

I wish instead I were a nine


For nine could thwart this evil trick,

with just some quick arithmetic


I know I’ll never see the sun, as 1.7321

Such is my reality, a sad irrationality


When hark! What is this I see,

Another square root of a three


As quietly co-waltzing by,

Together now we multiply

To form a number we prefer,

Rejoicing as an integer


We break free from our mortal bonds

With the wave of magic wands


Our square root signs become unglued

Your love for me has been renewed

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